Aquest lloc web utilitza galetes per tal de proporcionar-vos la millor experiència d’usuari possible. La informació de les galetes s’emmagatzema al navegador i realitza funcions com ara reconèixer-vos quan torneu a la pàgina web i ajuda a l'equip a comprendre quines seccions del lloc web us semblen més interessants i útils.
This 2017 we present many new features to the Children’s Club of Espai Gironès. We will count with the collaboration of one of the bloggers of educational activities with more followers of Catalonia, we will raffle familiar packs to go to the theater and many more surprises.
The activities of this 2017 will have a didactic and educational air so that the children of the Kids Club apart from spending a few good moments will learn positive concepts for children.
That is why we will have the collaboration of Laura Masdeu, a teacher of children’s education and blogger who will design some very interesting activities.
Enjoy the children’s shows on billboard to Catalonia.
We wait for you all!
1,2,7,8,9,14,15 and 16 of SEPTEMBER Come to the Kids Club to prepare for the return to school in a fun way. Come and create your own book point so you do not get lost in the middle of a good reading! HELLO AUTUMN 21,22,23,28,29 and 30 of SEPTEMBER We say goodbye to the summer to welcome the fall and that’s why we celebrate it by making a very special card. Do not think about it, come and have fun with your favorite Club! OCTOBER SMALL EXPLORERS 5,6,7,12,13 and 14 OCTOBER Explorers and explorers! Will you be able to go hunting for the drawings you have on the chip? Round them and paint them so they do not escape! LA CASTAÑERA 19,20,21,26,27 and 28 OCTOBER It’s time to eat chestnuts! Come to the Kids Club of Espai Gironès to trim and paint your chestnut tree. NOVEMBER GIRONA FAIRS 2,3,4,9,10 and 11 of NOVEMBER We are waiting for you at the Kids Club to make a beautiful girnalda to decorate the house for Fairs. Long live the Festival of Girona! IT’S COLD 16,17,18,23,24 and 25 of NOVEMBER Every time it gets a bit cooler and that’s why we have prepared a fun activity. Come and trim, paint and dress our imaginary friend.
From Thursday and Friday from 5:30p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturdays also from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
SEPTEMBER BOOK POINT 1,2,7,8,9,14,15 and 16 of SEPTEMBER Come to the Kids Club to prepare for the return to school in a fun way. Come and create your own book point so you do not get lost in the middle of a good reading! HELLO AUTUMN 21,22,23,28,29 and 30 of SEPTEMBER We say goodbye to the summer to welcome the fall and that’s why we celebrate it by making a very special card. Do not think about it, come and have fun with your favorite Club! OCTOBER SMALL EXPLORERS 5,6,7,12,13 and 14 OCTOBER Explorers and explorers! Will you be able to go hunting for the drawings you have on the chip? Round them and paint them so they do not escape! LA CASTAÑERA 19,20,21,26,27 and 28 OCTOBER It’s time to eat chestnuts! Come to the Kids Club of Espai Gironès to trim and paint your chestnut tree. NOVEMBER GIRONA FAIRS 2,3,4,9,10 and 11 of NOVEMBER We are waiting for you at the Kids Club to make a beautiful girnalda to decorate the house for Fairs. Long live the Festival of Girona! IT’S COLD 16,17,18,23,24 and 25 of NOVEMBER Every time it gets a bit cooler and that’s why we have prepared a fun activity. Come and trim, paint and dress our imaginary friend.